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howlite palmstone (stills the mind)

howlite palmstone (stills the mind)

* polished, flat natural crystal
* all with 'marble' effect
* sizes +/- 3 x 4 cm


CHAKRA - 7th (crown) 


ABOUT - Is it marble? Nope, it's Howlite. A crystal with a soft frequency that soothes, that tells you 'everything is alright'. To be patient & still all the 'inner chatter'. Her soft vibration helps to clear the mind when you are meditating. Also, she supports sleeping (your inner critic will be 'laid to rest') and, looking at her appearance this is no surprise, she works wonders for the calcium/bones in the human body. A perfect crystal to place under your pillow we feel!


CARE - She can be cleansed with water. 

    Only 4 left in stock
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